 • 12 sessions
 • 3 hours each session

During work hours
At the workplace
In Maltese or English


Leadership, Empowerment, and
Assistance in the Pursuit of Success

Unlocking Employee Potential

Employees in today’s changing work environment frequently face a variety of challenges that might have an influence on their well-being and job performance. Stress, substance abuse, diversity, workplace discrimination, and interpersonal issues are just a few of the barriers to productivity and job satisfaction. Many organisations find it difficult to build a supportive and inclusive workplace while also assisting employees in efficiently navigating these challenges.

This is where training programmes in employee assistance come into play. These training programmes are critical in addressing these issues as they are specifically designed to equip employees and leaders with the knowledge and skills required to address and overcome these challenges head-on.

At HR Domain, we understand the essential relevance of effective training, and through our thoughtfully crafted training course, LEAPS, we provide lasting solutions to address these challenges.

LEAPS offers comprehensive resources for organisations and individuals aiming to improve workplace well-being, reduce stress, promote inclusivity, and combat absenteeism through increased awareness of mental health, substance abuse, and effective coping strategies. Our thoughtfully crafted course equips learners with the tools and knowledge to make leaps forward in fostering a thriving, supportive, and inclusive work environment, enabling them to excel in both their personal and professional lives.

here is how your organisation will make leaps forward with this training course

  1. Improved Employee Well-Being: LEAPS equips employees with tools to manage stress, substance abuse, diversity, and mental health issues, fostering a happier, healthier workforce.
  2. Enhanced Productivity: By addressing workplace stress and conflict, employees can focus on their tasks, leading to increased job satisfaction and higher productivity.
  3. Supportive Workplace Culture: LEAPS promotes diversity, inclusivity, and respectful communication, creating a welcoming work environment for all.
  4. Effective Leadership: Leaders gain insights and skills to better support their teams, resolve conflicts, and promote employee wellness.
  5. Conflict Resolution: LEAPS explores conflict resolution techniques, reducing workplace disputes and fostering teamwork.
  6. Cost Savings: By preventing and addressing issues like substance abuse and stress, your organisation can reduce costs related to absenteeism, turnover, and legal issues.
  7. Crisis Management: LEAPS prepares your organisation to respond to crises, providing support and a structured approach in challenging times.
  8. With LEAPS, you can create a supportive, inclusive, and thriving workplace that benefits both your organisation and its valuable team members.
  9. Don’t let workplace challenges stand in the way of success. Empower your team to not only thrive but to make leaps forward and achieve unparalleled success by taking the proactive step of enrolling your organisation in our LEAPS training programme.

course Design

This training course is designed to be:

  1. Practical and Applicable: All the knowledge and skills acquired during the course are directly relevant and applicable to real-world workplace situations.
  2. Inclusive: They ensure that every participant, regardless of their background or prior knowledge, can benefit and participate fully.
  3. Progressive: The course builds on concepts, starting with foundational knowledge and progressively moving to more advanced skills, allowing participants to develop competence over time.
  4. Holistic: They cover a broad range of topics, addressing not only individual well-being but also team dynamics and the overall workplace environment.
  5. Action-Oriented: Participants are not only expected to understand the concepts but also to apply them practically, fostering immediate and lasting positive change.
  6. Supportive: The outcomes aim to empower participants to support themselves and others effectively, contributing to a healthier and more productive work environment.
  7. Flexible: They recognise that participants may have varying levels of experience and different needs, providing flexibility in achieving the intended learning goals.

These design principles ensure that the learning outcomes are robust and aligned with the course’s objectives, making it a valuable and transformative experience for all participants.

here is What Your employees Can Gain from This Course:

  1. Recognise Stress Signs: Participants will be able to identify signs and symptoms of stress in themselves and others, enabling early intervention and support.
  2. Effective Coping Strategies: Participants will learn and apply a variety of coping mechanisms to manage stress and maintain well-being in a demanding work environment.
  3. Mental Health Support: Participants will gain the knowledge and resources to provide support for mental health concerns among their colleagues.
  4. Substance Abuse Awareness: Participants will be able to identify signs of substance abuse and understand how to prevent and address these issues within the workplace.
  5. Work-Life Balance: Participants will develop strategies to achieve a healthy work-life balance, contributing to overall life satisfaction.
  6. Employee Wellness Promotion: Participants will understand the benefits of employee wellness and be equipped with strategies to promote well-being within their teams.
  7. Inclusive Workplace: Participants will gain insights into fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace, enhancing teamwork and creativity.
  8. Diversity Awareness: Participants will recognise and appreciate different types of diversity, including cross-generational, neurodiversity, and cultural diversity.
  9. Discrimination and Harassment Prevention: Participants will identify signs of discrimination and harassment, and learn strategies for addressing and preventing these issues.
  10. Effective Communication Skills: Participants will master the essential elements of effective communication, leading to improved collaboration and productivity.
  11. Conflict Resolution: Participants will develop skills in resolving conflicts constructively and maintaining positive work relationships.
  12. Leadership and Management Proficiency: Participants will understand their roles and responsibilities as leaders and managers and foster a supportive work environment.
  13. Emotional Intelligence Development: Participants will enhance their emotional intelligence competencies, enabling better interpersonal relationships and leadership effectiveness.
  14. Problem-Solving and Employee Support: Participants will be able to identify and respond to employee problems and manage performance issues while providing a supportive atmosphere.
  15. Crisis Management: Participants will be prepared to respond to workplace crises, support employees during challenging times, and effectively manage post-crisis situations.

These learning outcomes provide participants with a well-rounded skill set to thrive in their professional roles and contribute to a healthier, more inclusive, and successful workplace.

Course content

introduction to employee assistance and well-being

In the first session, we delve into the essential foundations of employee assistance and well-being. Here, participants gain a deep understanding of the evolving challenges in today's workplace which impact both individual well-being and overall job performance. We introduce the pivotal role of Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) and emphasise the significance of fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment. By the end of this session, participants will be well-prepared to embark on a journey to address these challenges effectively, creating a thriving workplace where employees can excel in both their personal and professional lives.

recognising and managing stress​

In this session, participants will learn to identify the signs and symptoms of stress in themselves and their colleagues, enabling early recognition and intervention. They will explore the detrimental effects of workplace stress on both personal well-being and job performance. Participants will acquire a toolkit of strategies to effectively manage and reduce stress, fostering a healthier and more resilient approach to their work environment. This knowledge will empower individuals to take proactive steps towards minimising stress-related challenges and ultimately lead to a more productive and fulfilling professional life.

coping strategies for a demanding work environment

In this session, participants will delve into essential techniques to navigate the challenges of a high-pressure workplace effectively. This session equips individuals with the tools to build resilience and mental toughness, empowering them to stay focused, maintain well-being, and thrive amidst demanding work scenarios. Participants learn how to cope with stress, stay productive, and develop a robust set of strategies that they can immediately apply to enhance their job satisfaction and overall performance

supporting mental health in the workplace

Supporting mental health in the workplace is a critical aspect of fostering employee well-being and productivity. In this session, participants will gain a deep understanding of the various mental health concerns that can affect individuals within an organisation. They will also learn how to provide much-needed support and resources to colleagues who may be experiencing mental health challenges. By reducing the stigma surrounding mental health issues and equipping employees with the tools to address them, this session plays a pivotal role in creating a more empathetic and mentally healthy work environment where individuals can thrive both personally and professionally.

substance abuse awareness and prevention

In this session, participants will delve into the realm of substance abuse awareness and prevention within the workplace. They will learn how to recognise the telltale signs of substance abuse, understand its impact on both individual employees and the organisation as a whole, and explore effective strategies for addressing and preventing substance abuse issues. By fostering a workplace that promotes awareness and prevention, participants will contribute to a healthier, more productive, and substance-free environment, ensuring the well-being of their colleagues and the success of the organisation.

achieving work-life balance

Participants will explore the essential concept of work-life balance. This session delves into strategies for managing the demands of the modern workplace while maintaining a fulfilling personal life. By learning how to strike a harmonious balance between work and personal responsibilities, employees can enhance their overall life satisfaction, reduce stress, and improve their well-being.

employee wellness promotion

Employee wellness promotion is a crucial aspect of fostering a healthy and productive work environment. This component of the course emphasises the benefits of employee wellness programmes, from reducing absenteeism to enhancing job satisfaction. Participants will gain insights into implementing strategies that promote physical and mental well-being among team members, ultimately contributing to a happier and more engaged workforce. By recognising the importance of employee wellness, individuals can play a significant role in creating a workplace culture that values the health and vitality of its employees, resulting in increased productivity and overall job satisfaction.

fostering inclusivity and diversity

Fostering inclusivity and diversity is crucial within at the workplace. In this session, participants delve into the significance of creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. They gain insights into the value of embracing diversity, whether it be cross-generational, neurodiversity, or cultural diversity. By understanding the power of inclusivity, participants learn how it enhances teamwork, fosters creativity, and ultimately contributes to a more harmonious and productive work environment. This session equips individuals with the knowledge and tools to promote a culture of respect, appreciation, and unity, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background, can thrive within the organisation.

discrimination and harassment prevention

In this session, participants will gain a deep understanding of the signs, impacts, and consequences of discrimination and harassment in the workplace. They will learn effective strategies for both addressing and preventing these harmful behaviors, fostering a workplace culture of respect and inclusivity. By recognising the importance of eliminating discrimination and harassment, participants will be equipped to contribute to a more welcoming and harmonious work environment for all employees, ultimately leading to increased well-being and productivity.

effective communication skills

Effective communication skills are the cornerstone of successful interactions, both in the workplace and in personal life. They encompass the art of conveying thoughts, ideas, and emotions clearly and persuasively while actively listening to others. Effective communicators master the vital elements of verbal and non-verbal communication, adapt their message to their audience, and foster an environment of open dialogue. These skills enhance collaboration, reduce misunderstandings, and promote productivity, making them essential for building strong relationships and achieving common goals in any setting.

conflict resolution and leadership skills

Conflict resolution and leadership skills are essential for fostering a harmonious and productive work environment. Participants will gain expertise in constructively resolving conflicts, which not only reduces workplace disputes but also nurtures positive work relationships. Additionally, this sesion delves into leadership and management proficiency, helping participants understand their roles and responsibilities as leaders. Equipped with these skills, they can create a supportive work environment, lead teams effectively, and contribute to a healthier, more cohesive workplace culture, ultimately boosting employee well-being and productivity.

emotional intelligence, problem-solving, and crisis management

Emotional intelligence, problem-solving, and crisis management are essential skills for today's workplace. Emotional intelligence enables individuals to navigate interpersonal relationships effectively, fostering collaboration, empathy, and better leadership. Problem-solving equips employees with the ability to identify, analyse, and resolve challenges, contributing to more efficient workflows and improved productivity. Crisis management prepares individuals to respond to unexpected workplace emergencies with a structured and calm approach, providing support during challenging times and ensuring a swift return to normal operations. These competencies collectively empower employees to handle complex situations, maintain a positive work environment, and contribute to the overall success of their organisation.

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive and progressive approach to employee well-being, personal development, and creating a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture. Each session focuses on practical skills and knowledge that can be immediately applied in real-world work situations, making it a valuable and transformative experience for all participants.

Training methods

This course employs a variety of engaging training methods to ensure an effective and interactive learning experience for all participants:

Lectures: Engage in informative and insightful lectures, providing a foundational understanding of the smart skills covered.

Group Discussions: Participants engage in group discussions to foster collaboration, share experiences, and gain diverse perspectives on the application of smart skills.

Case Studies: Analyse real-world case studies, applying smart skills to practical scenarios, and developing problem-solving abilities.

Interactive Activities: Hands-one activities focused on skill-building and practical exercises to reinforce the concepts discussed.

Self-Assessment: Utilise self-assessment to measure their progress and identify areas for improvement throughout the course.
Comprehensive Course Materials: Course materials to support the participant’s learning journey.

By integrating these diverse training methods and providing extensive resources, this training course ensures that participants have a well-rounded and immersive learning experience, making the acquisition of essential smart skills both practical and enjoyable.

Don’t wait!

Contact us today to sign up your employees for this face-to-face course and embark on a transformative journey toward a more resilient, inclusive, and successful workplace.

Give your team the tools they need to thrive!