Managing Remote Teams: Key Challenges and Solutions

Managing remote teams presents unique challenges that require effective management strategies to ensure productivity and collaboration. Before addressing remote management, it is crucial to master basic management skills such as establishing effective systems, providing support, and offering coaching. This article discusses the key challenges and solutions for managing remote teams.


Challenges of Managing Remote Teams

The four primary challenges of managing remote teams are visibility, connection, communication, and connectivity.

Challenge 1: Visibility

In a traditional office setting, visibility occurs naturally, fostering trust, empathy, and accountability. However, remote work environments reduce visibility, potentially leading to distractions and reduced accountability. This can be mitigated by establishing clear expectations and regular check-ins to maintain trust and visibility. For instance, managers can schedule regular virtual meetings or one-on-one check-ins to ensure that team members are on track and address any issues promptly. This helps to maintain transparency and accountability, which are essential for effective remote team management.

Challenge 2: Connection

In-person interactions naturally foster connections and morale, which are essential for productivity. Remote work environments reduce daily interactions, potentially lowering energy, morale, and productivity. Physical separation can weaken bonds between team members in different locations. To address this, managers should prioritise regular virtual team events and encourage open communication to maintain connections. This can include virtual social events, team-building activities, or simply scheduling regular video calls to keep team members connected. By fostering a sense of community and connection, managers can help maintain morale and productivity.

Challenge 3: Communication

Office environments provide numerous opportunities for spontaneous communication, such as conversations near desks or in hallways. Remote work often relies on text-based communication, which can hinder face-to-face interaction and reduce communication effectiveness. To overcome this, managers should establish clear communication standards, including norms for online presence and response times. This can include setting expectations for response times, using specific communication channels for different types of messages, and encouraging team members to use video conferencing for more complex discussions. By establishing clear communication standards, managers can ensure that team members are able to effectively communicate and collaborate.

Challenge 4: Connectivity

Remote work heavily depends on reliable internet connectivity, and any connectivity issues can undermine morale and productivity. Ensuring reliable and sufficient internet bandwidth is crucial for effective remote work environments. Managers should advocate for organisational support to improve connectivity and ensure employee well-being and productivity. This can include providing necessary equipment, ensuring stable internet connections, and addressing any technical issues promptly. By ensuring reliable connectivity, managers can help maintain productivity and morale.


Effective managers set clear objectives and encourage team ownership. One approach is establishing team norms for remote work. Key areas for setting norms include:

Internet Connection Standards:

Teams should determine necessary bandwidth and acceptable response times for remote work. Managers can advocate for organisational support to improve connectivity, showing care for employee well-being and productivity.

Home Office Standards:

Setting standards for home office environments can enhance productivity. Focus areas include necessary equipment and creating a quiet workspace. Team involvement ensures acceptance and compliance.

Chat and Email Standards:

Establishing norms for online presence and response times can maintain trust and visibility. Clear expectations prevent misunderstandings and promote a cohesive team environment.

Virtual Meeting Standards:

Developing norms for virtual meetings, including the use of cameras, enhances communication efficiency. Facilitating team discussions on these norms promotes ownership and adherence.

Best Practices

Regularly revisiting and adjusting team norms based on feedback and experience ensures effectiveness. A daily stand-up meeting, a brief synchronisation session, can significantly enhance team collaboration. Incorporating virtual team events and ensuring access to necessary collaboration tools, such as video conferencing systems and specialised software, further supports remote team effectiveness.

Encouraging flexible working hours is another critical best practice. Flexible time allows team members to work when they are most productive, accommodating different personal schedules and time zones. This flexibility can lead to increased job satisfaction, better work-life balance, and ultimately higher productivity. Managers should focus on a task-based approach rather than a time-based approach, emphasising the completion of tasks and achievement of goals over the number of hours worked. This shift encourages efficiency and allows team members to manage their time effectively.

It is also crucial to encourage informal interactions among team members. Allowing chit-chat, informal meetings, and casual conversations fosters a sense of camaraderie and strengthens relationships within the team. These informal interactions can help alleviate feelings of isolation and enhance team cohesion, which are essential for maintaining morale and productivity in remote work environments. By facilitating opportunities for informal communication, managers can create a supportive and inclusive team culture, ultimately contributing to overall team success.


Managers must ensure their teams have the tools and support needed to thrive in a remote work environment. Utilising collaboration tools and fostering a supportive remote work culture are essential for building high-performance teams. By understanding the challenges and implementing effective solutions, managers can successfully manage remote teams and maintain productivity  and collaboration.


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