our ethos

the logo

the logo embodies our ethos:

continuous and lifelong personal and professional growth to pave the way for an enterprising and prosperous future

the concept

As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, the only constant in life is change. The logo captures this reality in the arrow revolving around the encircled visual, implying that change is a lifelong process.

Indeed, life is dynamic, and unless these ever-changing realities are adopted and adapted to, one is subscribing to a bleak existence. The logo depicts a being leaning forward, transitioning from one phase to the next, leaving behind the past while heading towards the future past the blue arrow conveying the notion that, much like the changes in life, learning too is a lifelong deed.

the colours


Generally, blue stands for security, care and concern, tranquillity, trust, strength, dependability, intelligence and wisdom. It also symbolises persistence and determination to succeed, reliability and responsibility.

The logo also relates to one-to-one communication, conveying the message that, at HR Domain, individual attention is given to each and every student throughout the duration of the respective training course, as well as subsequently if and when the student requires it.


Green represents peace, health, healing, openness, friendliness, authenticity, and hope. It also denotes prosperity, a fresh start, a new life, renewal, and growth. Besides, this colour represents self-reliance, self-confidence and resourcefulness.

Each one of the students at HR Domain is given the tools to grow to become autonomous, self-directed and self-supporting. Thus, the green colour in the logo.


White characterises awakening, openness, growth, and creativity.
The colour white in the logo represents a clean slate or a blank canvas waiting for the learners to write on. It represents a clear way forward where the students can start afresh, relying on a sense of peace of mind and calm, reassurance, and hope.